12 Universal Laws Will Help You to Manifest Everything
12 Universal Laws Will Help You to Manifest Everything
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- Laws Will Help You to Manifest Everything
- 1. Law of Divine Oneness:
- 2. Law of Vibration:
- 3. Law of Correspondence:
- 4. Law of Attraction:
- 5. Law of Inspired Action:
- 6. Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy:
- 7. Law of Cause and Effect:
- 8. Law of Compensation:
- 9. Law of Relativity:
- 10. Law of Polarity:
- 11. Law of Rhythm:
- 12. Law of Gender:
Laws Will Help You to Manifest Everything
We have all learned of the law of attraction, but what about the law of correspondence, the law of divine unity, or the law of polarity? The Law of attraction is one of the most effective laws in the universe that brings desires into our lives, all that we have, see, and do. Along with the Law Of Attraction, our world is governed by 12 universal laws and define how everything works. And when you want to manifest your dreams, they all play a major role.
The Law of attraction is just one law of the 12 universal laws and learning the other 11 law can help us to unlock a more spiritually connected life.
1. Law of Divine Oneness:
The Law of Divine Oneness, which highlights the interconnectedness of all things, is the first and most fundamental law of the universe. It says that every thought, action, and event beyond our senses are connected in some way to anything and everything else.
This one can come off a bit zesty, but “being compassionate with others involves applying it in real life. It’s important to understand that we are all created from a divine source, with this in mind, we are all part of the same. Try to apply this law asking questions such as, “How can I show more empathy and appreciation for those things that I do not understand?”
2. Law of Vibration:
Everything is in constant motion at a microscopic level, vibrating at a particular frequency. It refers to matter, but also to one’s personal frequency. This law states that our frequency of vibration will tell our experience of life.
You may be able to obtain money, for example, but you may not be able to hold on to it, ” this could be because you have low vibrations”. If you feel the need to increase your frequency good vibes? Try yoga, sound bathing, and chakra work or anything that make your vibrational energy high, there are plenty of great practices to do so.
3. Law of Correspondence:
This law states that patterns repeat in the universe, and our reality is a mirror of what is going on within us at that moment, on a personal level. Think that whatever is at above, is so below. Whatever is within is also without.
This is happening to you, not you. . “If your life is stressful and chaotic, it’s because there is tension and uncertainty within. If your life seems peaceful and balanced, it is because you feel stability within. Think of what the situation might teach you about yourself, and what needs healing within.
4. Law of Attraction:
The law of attraction, probably the most talked-about universal law, is also used for manifestation. It says that like attracts like, and what you concentrate on, you get. Not only that, but you have to believe that it is possible to obtain what you are seeking. In this manner, it is similar to the law of vibration, learning how to vibrate at a level that attracts what you are looking for is important.
For example, if you want to love but do not give love, you’re sending a message to the universe about your priorities. It’s pointless if you repeat an affirmation but do not believe what you’re saying. It will show up in our lives when we focus on what we want versus what we don’t want.
5. Law of Inspired Action:
The law of inspired action, closely related to the law of attraction, is all about taking those actual, active steps to invite into our lives what we want. The inspiration is often from within. An inspired action is courteous and requires an internal nudge.
It’s all about slowing down, becoming quiet, and creating room for internal guidance to practice this law. When we let go of our need to organize and regulate how things would work out and are open to the possibilities instead, it makes room for new ways to achieve the goals that we might not have chosen to take.
6. Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy:
This law states that everything in the universe is continuously evolving or fluctuating at an energetic level. A thought predates every action, with thoughts themselves having the power to ultimately manifest themselves in our physical reality.
Have you ever been around a negative person and felt the depletion of your own positivity? That’s one example, but it can work both ways around as well: when applied with intention, higher frequencies transmute lower ones. Knowing this, with our thoughts and actions, we can actively seek to uplift adverse energy around us.
7. Law of Cause and Effect:
This law, pretty straightforward, underlines the direct relationship between events and actions. We often can’t see the impacts right away, but they will come back around, which is important to note here.
At that moment, what you put out there may not come back to you, but that vibration, the energy you put out there, has a greater impact. If you’re coming from a place of anger and resentment, you’ll eventually be affected as a result when you put that energy out there.
8. Law of Compensation:
The compensation law is closely related to the law of correspondence and to the law of attraction. The primary takeaway is “You harvest what you sow” with the law implying that your efforts would always come back to you positively. You have to contribute in some way towards your goal if you are looking for something.
For example, to respond with this law in a way that attracts or compensates for love and support, ask yourself, “Where am I being called to serve today?”
9. Law of Relativity:
This law signifies that in our world, we are inclined to compare things, but in fact, everything is neutral. In all things, relativism exists, and in the end, significance comes down to our point of view and attitude.
Applying this law can help us understand with greater gratitude the tougher parts of our lives. For example, if we feel ungrateful about our current lifestyle, it might be because we compare our life with someone else. Instead, without trying to compare it to someone else, we would’ve been better off acknowledging what we have.
10. Law of Polarity:
This law explains that there is an opposite to all in life; good and bad, love and hate, hot and cold. Knowing these are all two sides of the same coin is the key.
Each comparison brings greater clarity. For example, if you encounter a stressful situation such as a breakup, or lose a job, tune into what the opposite looks like, which can reveal a new insight or learning experience. Maybe it’s best to stay away from toxic relationships, or there will be a more big working opportunity.
11. Law of Rhythm:
Anything from the tides and the seasons to desire and sexuality has a natural flowing rhythm. We can knock ourselves out of the normal flow of the universe when we try to push things in life to happen.
By practising patience and believing that we will go with the normal rhythm of our universe, we can relieve a huge amount of our stress. When we do, instead of imposing our limitations on it, we often see things we want to show up with their ideal timing.
12. Law of Gender:
Anything from the tides and the seasons to desire and sexuality has a natural flowing rhythm. We can knock ourselves out of the normal flow of the universe when we try to push things in life to happen.
By practising patience and believing that we will go with the normal rhythm of our universe, we can relieve a huge amount of our stress. When we do, instead of imposing our limitations on it, we often see things we want to show up with their ideal timing.