This 10 Rule Will Make You More Productive

This 10 Rule Will Make You More Productive

Published On: March 3, 2021By

Many people would like to be more active & productive Unfortunately, they prefer to make a few minor adjustments and leave it at that. They may obtain some short-term changes, but they will slip back into their old habits in the long term.

It is a lifetime investment if you want to be more active. You need to set guidelines and procedures that will make it possible for you to operate at your best.

You need to understand that you are special and find the strategies that function best for you in order to improve your productivity.

The 10 rules mentioned above, however, will allow everyone to be more efficient. Apply these laws to your life and in a short period of time, you will be significantly more efficient.

1. To do List that works

Create a fair list of to-do things, and don’t stress yourself. To-do lists sometimes fail because we make them too difficult or the assignments are unfair. Some assignments will take a long time, others will not take time at all.

This creates a disparity in the way our time is allocated. What then occurs is that our to-do list then becomes a vehicle for procrastination. Yes, that’s right. Because then we do the simple stuff, and then get very distracted by the difficult stuff.

To do lists at the end of the day make one more productive, since focusing on one task at a time is more effective than focusing on multiple tasks at the same time.

2. Get started now!

If you take initiative, you can never be more effective. To the point that you never get started, you can find yourself pondering the best way to do something. Brainstorming your options is more effective, choose the choice that you believe is best and just get started.

You should review your results once you have started taking action and find any changes that you might need to make.

3. Establish routines

If you fail to get assignments completed, it could be because you don’t have a schedule. It is best to set a fixed time for doing them for routine assignments. They soon become part of your everyday routine with a little consistency and you begin to finish the assignment without even thinking about it.

I was struggling to go to the gym a couple of years ago.

You need to set particular days for your work at the gym and decide to make it the first thing on any of those days that you do. After a short period of time, it will turn into a routine.

It will become an automated operation. Identify the regular actions which you can make as part of a routine and you will quickly become more productive.

4. Know what ‘No’ you’re saying to

When others make requests for us, it’s easy to say ‘Yes.’ Generally, this is done without putting any thought into the implications. It is important that you remember that every task you would like to get done will never be completed.

Therefore you need to concentrate on the most important tasks and add the most value to your life. You are automatically saying ‘No’ to something else when you say ‘Yes’ to one mission.

You need to understand that it will be fine in many situations, as the task you are rejecting is unimportant, but you need to be sure. Before saying ‘Yes,’ make it a habit to ask yourself, ‘If I do this, what can’t I do?’

5. If it isn’t important, it doesn’t matter

It is about devoting your time and energy to the tasks that are most significant in your life to be more productive. Your focus must be on this. Occasionally, in the future, you will be asked to do something. It is easy to avoid assessing the importance of the task at that point in time.

Ultimately, the time to perform the assignment creeps up on you and you suddenly realize that you have committed your time to something that has no value and adds no value to your life.

It does not matter how far the activity lies in the future; it is not worth the commitment if it is not important.

6. Break Down your Goals

It is easy to be overwhelmed by big projects/tasks. You may doubt your ability to get it done when you think of the enormity of what lies ahead. The easiest way to be more productive is to break them down to the next action, and get these tasks done.

Instead of focusing on enormity, you are now focusing on the tiniest action you can take.

Focus on the next action you can take once you complete that action. You will have made massive strides to get it done before long.

7. Stop trying to be flawless

The best job you can do is desirable, but at some point, you will reach the point of decreasing returns, i.e. you will have to put in a lot more effort just to achieve minimal improvement.

It is time to realize when you reach this point that you have done the best you can do in the circumstances and bring the assignment to an end. Never let your insecurities question your productivity and effectiveness.

You could try to continue to improve it, but the reality is that you’re never going to achieve perfection.

You’re always going to find something you think you could improve.

In reality, it is good enough to do the best you can with the allocated resources including time and most individuals will not notice any improvements beyond that point. By knowing when your work is good enough, be more productive.

8. Set an end time

Generally, people are very good at scheduling the start of meetings and appointments. When it comes to scheduling an end time, they are not so good though. Set strict start and finish times when you are scheduling a meeting.

Also, use an agenda with time allotted for each item, too. People realize when you do this that they have to get to the point and work more effectively & as a result are more productive.

You’re going to get more done and save time for yourself and the people you’re meeting with.

9. Review and plan

Reviewing and planning your projects before you start working on them can make you more productive and bring better results. Take the time in advance to do some proper planning when you are working on larger projects.

This will give you a foundation to work on in the long run and save you time. It also allows you to conduct regular reviews of your progress where, at the earliest opportunity, you can identify any modifications that need to be made.

If you want to be more effective, preparing and evaluating major projects is important.

10. Stop multi-tasking

Getting distracted and trying to work on multiple tasks is easy, but the reality is, it makes you LESS productive. The endless role switching makes us more exhausted and productivity reduced. It takes brain energy to turn and adjust regularly.

We’re not being more efficient, we’re skimming over stuff on the surface. In your search to be more centered, the current workplace world will not help you. As Slack, Skype and Salesforce jockey for our attention, it is nearly an impossible mission.

Remember this before you begin to suggest these tips to maximize productivity every second of every day: be kind to yourself and your mistakes.

Overnight, you can not expect to be more productive. You have probably been developing your work habits for years, both good and poor, consciously or subconsciously, and they will not alter overnight.

Getting distracted and trying to work on multiple tasks is easy, but the reality is, it makes you LESS productive. The endless role switching makes us more exhausted and productivity reduced.

It takes brain energy to turn and adjust regularly. We’re not being more efficient, we’re skimming over stuff on the surface. In your search to be more centered, the current workplace world will not help you. As Slack, Skype and Salesforce jockey for our attention, it is nearly an impossible mission.

Remember this before you begin to suggest these tips to maximize productivity every second of every day: be kind to yourself and your mistakes. Overnight, you can not expect to be more productive.

You have probably been developing your work habits for years, both good and poor, consciously or subconsciously, and they will not alter overnight.

Small improvements can lead to changes that are more permanent, but they can take time and discipline. It seems very natural to think it’s easy when you’re reading a productivity article like this. But that isn’t it.

I’m not writing this from an expert point of view, but in the fight against distraction, from a fellow worker. So, despite the tough patches, be patient and kind and try again.

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